Useful Websites
College & University Admissions
www.collegeboard.org Information and registration for SAT and SAT subject tests, plus matchmaker
www.commonapp.org Online standard application used by almost 900 colleges and universities
www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org Another application platform used by some colleges
www.actstudent.org Dates, registration, and practice tests for the ACT
www.coalitionapp.org Another online application
www.fafsa.ed.gov Free application for all government loans
www.toefl.org Test of English as a Foreign Language
www.campusprideindex.org Information on colleges for LGBTQ students
www.bls.gov/ooh/ Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook handbook
www.unigo.com Access more than 250,000 free college reviews, photos, and videos.
www.collegetours.us Will arrange every aspect of college visits
www.publicuniversityhonors.com Information about public university honors programs
www.petersons.com Look for information about colleges which interest you
www.proprofs.com & www.khanacademy.org/ Free SAT practice tests
www.braintrack.com Information on colleges and universities around the world
www.princetonreview.com & www.kaptest.com Professional SAT prep courses
www.goseecampus.com Search for colleges, create schedules for campus visits, and connect with college tours, maps, and parking details.
www.gobigrecruiting.com Facilitates submission of sports videos directly to selected college coaches, for high school athletes seeking to compete in their sport at college.
www.varsitytutors.com Tutors across the country, and available locally.
www.collegewebLD.com Helps students with learning disabilities assess specific college's programs and support for their needs.
www.beRecruited.com Want to play college sports? Join 25,000 coaches and 2 million athletes
www.collegemajors101.com Learn about different college majors in detail and make informed choices
www.BrainTrack.com The web's oldest and most complete college search site
www.wes.org Leading provider of certification of coursework for international students
www.universitylanguage.com Translation for international documents
www.meritaid.com Explore resources for applying for merit aid for college
www.gapyear.com Lists of approved gap year organizations and other useful features
www.colleges.niche.com Current undergraduates rate their own colleges
Boarding and Day School Admissions
www.ssat.org Information and registration for the Secondary School Admission test and application platform
www.gatewaytoprepschool.com Application platform
www.erblearn.org Information and registration for the Independent School Entrance Examination
www.boardingschools.com & www.boardingschoolreview.com Read about U.S. boarding schools of all kinds
www.nais.org Information on U.S. independent boarding and day schools
www.sss.nais.org Financial aid form and information for independent schools
“Now that the process is done, I wanted to thank you for your support. Working with you was a great investment since I accomplished my goal of attending a top world university during this year full of Covid uncertainty. My parents are also really proud and happy with my offers. I got a great scholarship and this wouldn’t have been possible without your preparation for the interview and the way you helped me display my high school accomplishments through the essays, activities etc. to the university. Thank you again and I wish you the best.”
F.V., Bogota, Columbia attending University of Toronto