Personalized solutions for every student
Individual college consulting work tailored to each student’s needs with a results-oriented focus
Sarah Reese, Executive Director
Bryn Mawr College, AB
Harvard University Graduate School of Education, EdMAdmissions officer at Wellesley College; college counselor at Buckingham, Browne & Nichols School MA; college counselor at the American School of Madrid SP; admissions director at Dana Hall School MA and Baldwin School PA; executive director of FSL High School US program; IECA educational consultant 2014-present.
Kimberly De Rosa, Consultant
Bryn Mawr College, AB
Teaching assistant, Haverford College 2012-12, Bryn Mawr College Writing Center tutor and administrator 2011-13; educational consultant 2015-present.
Alexandra Furgiuele, Consultant
University of San Diego BA
University of San Francisco MA in EducationUniversity of California at Berkeley, Ext. Certificate in College and Career Counseling instructor, educational consultant, 2014-present; member of HECA and WACAC.
Caroline Geisler, Consultant
Barnard College, BA
Clarkson University, MATIndependent college counselor, English as a new language instructor and tutor, former Director of College Guidance.

“As you already know, Carolina was approved in 5 of the 7 universities for which she applied and ended up deciding on the University of Toronto. We supported her all the time and whatever her choice, but we are very happy with her final decision since University of Toronto is very well regarded and also considering that Toronto is a big city, which will provide her many other options of extracurricular activities.
That said, I want to express our deep appreciation for your precious help, without which she would not have achieved these results.”
A.T., Sao Paulo, Brazil daughter attending University of Toronto